Ukulele Intermediate

Ukulele Intermediate

Already got the basics down playing the ukulele? Dive into more challenging lessons.

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Ukulele Intermediate
  • ii-V's through the Cycle of 4ths (guided practice)

    Knowing the Cycle of 4ths and 5ths is one of the first steps to mastering navigation of the fretboard. We’ve done a few videos now of that very subject. This one’s a little different. Here I walk you through a typical practice session going through the cycle in ii-V’s.

  • ii-V through the circle of 4ths.pdf

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  • Faking It

    Here’s a quick lesson on how to solo in a jam situation even if you don’t know the tune. Just a few different ways of looking at music, live as it’s happening. Hopefully this one is one that you’ll use often. Remember that repetition is the mother of skill. So if you want to get good at jamming w...

  • Scales in the Chord - Picture Study: Arpeggios

    So here’s a fun exercise to get you familiar with the diatonic triad shapes within the major scale. Considering that C seems to be the most familiar key amongst Ukulele enthusiasts, we’ll start there!

  • Scales in the Chord - Picture Study: Arpeggios C.pdf

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  • Chord Shapes (Minor) Practice

    Last week we did the major pictures, so this week we’re doing our guided practice through the minor shapes. These can be a bit tedious to do especially the way we’re doing it here, but that’s kinda the point. Repetition is the mother of skill, remember? Lol

  • Chord Shapes (Minor) Practice #1 PDF

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  • Chord Shapes (Major) Practice

    So for this lesson, we’re going over our major chord shapes around the circle of 4ths. This one will be one of those “print out the PDF and follow along with the video" practices. If it seems hard, stick with it. You are trying to develop your muscle memory to play pictures a 4th away, so repetit...

  • Chord Shapes (Major) Practice #1 PDF

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    PDF to go along with Chord Shapes (Major) Practice video.

  • Nashville Number System

    Here’s a great way to keep your chords within a key organized. The “Nashville Number System” is aptly named because the Nashville session musicians would simply write down the numbers that correspond with the chord order within the key, rather than the chord. The reasoning behind this was that if...

  • Soloing within the Pictures

    Here’s an approach to soloing within the chord pictures. I like this approach because it helps you to learn the sound of each chord picture and the lines that you can paint over them. Give it a try! Hope you like it!

  • Finish the Idea - Dm, Bb

    Here’s a fun little challenge. I start it. You finish it! Let me hear back from you guys if you want more stuff like this. We can even start a section specifically for it!

  • Chord Family Positions (Key of F)

    Here’s a lesson on chord families. We’re looking at the chords that relate to the key of F. Although this is pretty basic theory wise, we’re going to call this an intermediate lesson based on the conceptual side of it. Hope you get something out of this one!

  • How I Come Up With Licks

    This week's lesson is on my process for coming up with licks. My Lick of the Day videos became pretty popular a while back, and I had to come up with a new lick every day for a year. Pretty big undertaking if you’re not used to noodling around on the ukulele. Fortunately, I’m a huge noodle… so he...

  • Chord Family Positions

    This week's lesson is on chord families. Ever wonder what chords work well together? Well, here you go… Learning the chords in the Key they relate to are essential tools for the practicing musician. Hope you like this one!

  • The Game

    Being a student of the late, great, Todd Adamski, I’m a huge proponent of learning through games. This one is known as “the game” because it deals with the major scale a.k.a. The mother of all scales! Hope this helps you see the fretboard as much as it helped me when I was learning.

  • 7-3-6-2-5-1-4

    Here's a way to help you navigate your way around the Ukulele fretboard. By learning this simple phone number you can rest assured that you’ll never be lost when you solo. It’s kinda an intermediate lesson, but don’t be afraid to give it a try if you’re a beginner. Who knows, you might find that ...

  • Writing a Song - Part 1 - The Approach

    Here’s something I wish was addressed more often - how to write a song. Well... one of the countless ways to approach songwriting. Or an option on how to be creative in writing a song. I’m beginning to see why it’s not addressed as much as I think it should be... hmmm. Lol! Anyway, here’s an easy...

  • Writing a Song - Part 2 - Building on a Concept

    Here’s the second installment of our writing a song lesson. Where we find a concept for what direction we want to take our song. This is a fun process to work through and can either be endlessly frustrating or fulfilling, depending on your outlook. Hope you end up giving it a try and begin creati...

  • Writing a Song - Part 3 - The Layout

    Here’s part 3 of our series on writing a song. In this one we’re refining our chord melody song. If you’ve been following along and writing your own song you should be in the editing/refining phase as well!

  • Fretboard Mastery - Scales - Exercise 1

    Aloha, folks! The Fretboard Mastery series is going to focus on getting you familiar with the layout of your instrument and how to navigate your way around it. The exercises are designed to help you think faster while also getting your muscle memory accustomed to the movements.

  • Fretboard Mastery - Chords - Exercise 1

    It’s been a minute since we put out a technique lesson, so I figured we’d have to remedy that! Here’s one to help you build the technique to be the kind of player you would like to listen to. Remember though, technical ability is not a viable substitute for creativity and “feel”.

  • Freight Train Travis Picking

    Here’s one that I played on YouTube a while back. This is to get you started “Travis Picking”. Once you get the feel down this style is really fun to play!

  • Aaron's Method for Learning a Song by Ear

    Ever hear a song and want to play it, but can’t find the chords online? Here’s a fun way to do it on your own, using the skills we learned here! It is suggested that you watch the video entitled “Scales” for the type of ukulele you play (high or low G), and the "Harmonizing the Major Scale" video...