Melodic Minor Deep Dive
Continuing with our Minor Scale studies, here’s a deep dive into the most Major-ish of the Minor Scales. Often looked at as a Major Scale with a minor third, the Melodic Minor has an interesting quality to it that you will find within the harmonized chords derived from it.
Harmonic Minor Deep Dive
Here’s a deep dive into the Harmonic Minor scale. Of the 3 main minor scale variations, this one is the most easily recognizable. Get that sharp 7 stuck in your head!
Natural Minor Deep Dive
Here’s a deep dive view of the Natural Minor Scale and how we harmonize the chords to it. Hope you like this one.
Incorporate the Bluegrass Scale with the Country Blues Scale
Aloha, Folks! Here’s a lesson on combining the bluegrass scale (major pentatonic + min 3rd) and the country blues scale (blues scale +maj 3rd). We’re calling this one advanced due more to the conceptual aspect of understanding rather than the technical difficulty. This is a good way to get starte...
The Mixolydian Cipher
Here’s one I’m calling the Mixolydian Cipher. A cipher is a code used to unlock secrets. Here we discover a way to crack the code, so to speak, of the elusive dominant chord. We’re calling this an advanced lesson, even though the fingering is not that hard, because the concept, itself, may be a b...
Dominant Lick Examples through the circle of 4ths with exercises
Here’s a lesson on the Dominant Chords and the pictures we can build around them. We use our familiar progression to help us see how we can create lines using the chord pictures through the Cycle of 4ths. Hope you like this one!
Optional Dominants in the Cycle of Fourths
Here’s a guided practice to help you understand the mysterious “Dominant Chords”, what they are and how they work to make music interesting. Hope this type of lesson helps to expand your musical pallet and grow as a creative musical being!
Optional Dominant Chords Cycle of 4ths.pdf
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PDF to go along with lesson Optional Dominant Chords in the Cycle of Fourths
Optional Dominant Chords Cycle of 4ths (opposite).pdf
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PDF to go along with lesson Optional Dominant Chords in the Cycle of Fourths
Soloing Over Rhythm Changes
So now that you know the progression and form to rhythm changes, here are some ways to get you started with improvisational soloing.
Rhythm Changes
Here’s a fun tune to help with everything from switching chords to improvisation. Based on the tune “I’ve Got Rhythm“, the aptly named “Rhythm Changes” is great to add to your song arsenal!
Circle of Fourths Dominant Blues Scale Exercise
Here we go through the Circle of Fourths using our Dominant Chord shapes using the “Blues Scale” over each of the Shapes. You’re going to need something to record a few minutes of your playing, so that you have reference chords (Circle of Fourths in Dominant Chords) to play over. We’re calling th...
How I Look at the Fretboard - Picture Approach - Part 1
I often get questions about the way I view music. People wonder if a different perspective can open their eyes (or ears) to a new more creative outlook. I think the question needs to be a little bit more focused. Here’s a video on how I view the fretboard. A little insight on the mechanics of the...
How I Look at the Fretboard - Picture Approach - Part 2
Aloha, folks! This week's lesson is a continuation of my approach to the fretboard and how I visualize it. By showing you this, I am not hoping that you adopt my way of thinking, but rather gain ideas so that you can teach yourself to visualize the fretboard in a way that best serves your individ...
How I Look at the Fretboard - Picture Approach - Part 3
This week's lesson is part 3 of my approach to the fretboard and how I visualize it. By showing you this, I am not hoping that you adopt my way of thinking, but rather gain ideas so that you can teach yourself to visualize the fretboard in a way that best serves your individual purpose.
Drop 2 Clarification
A lot of people ask about what drop 2 or drop 3 voicing are. Here’s a quick, hopefully clear, explanation. Hope you enjoy the video!
Arranging a Song
Here’s one approach to arranging a song on the ukulele, using Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton. Keep in mind that there are many, many approaches to this. I find this to be a highly efficient way for those new to arranging. Hope you like it!
Working Our Way Through the Scale in Numbers
Here’s one that you might have to watch a few times to really understand, depending on your experience with fretboard navigation. Trust me though, it’s worth it to gain an understanding of the way our particular instrument is laid out. When you begin to see the fretboard as more of a matrix rathe...
Building Scales Around Major and Minor Triads - Position 1
Here’s an advanced lesson on triads and the scales that you can build around them. This is modal based thinking for the layman. Lol! I keep it in one position to show how the same “picture” can give you different colors.
Movable Scales in the Circle of Fourths
Here’s a lesson we’re putting in the advanced category. It’s not physically a hard one, but take your time with it as the concept can be really helpful once you grasp it.
Positional Playing
So today's lesson goes a bit deeper on positional playing. We touched on this a bit in our 7-3-6-2-5-1-4 video. If that lesson kinda went over your head, this one might help clarify the concept for you. Keep in mind that this lesson is listed as advanced, not for difficulty in playing, but in con...