Fairy Dusting
Ukulele Advanced
Here’s one I’ve wanted to make for a while. My good friend Bryan Tolentino is probably Hawaii’s best kept secret as a hired gun to make musicians sound amazing! He does what he refers to as “Fairy Dusting”. He makes great musicians sound even better by using chord voicings that elevate the music to suit the song. Here’s a bit of insight on how to add this arrow to your quiver!
Up Next in Ukulele Advanced
Using Extensions - Minor
Well here we are at the completion of our chord extensions journey! This lesson is short, but compounds on the previous two to help us learn where and why to use chord extensions. Again, I can’t stress enough about how not to use the extensions just for the sake of using extensions. Remember, sal...
Using Extensions - Major
So this week we’re learning how to use the extensions of the major chords. Remember that there is no right or wrong here, only flavors. Think of it as salt and pepper. Use to taste!
Using Extensions - Dominant
A while back, and I mean way back, we did a lesson on how to find the extensions to Major, Minor, and Dominant chords. We know these are long overdue, but in this lesson we go over where to use extensions to Dominant chords.